Ready for a different financial advisor lead generation program?

Empower your growth with a unique educational marketing approach to client acquisition

Transform your business growth

Hours of time spent with qualified leads for financial advisors — in a low-pressure classroom setting — translates into powerful and proven client acquisition results.
Immediate Impact on Client Acquisition

Immediate Impact on Client Acquisition

Instructing a course helps to build credibility and trust with attendees, advancing you further along in that client relationship than traditional approaches like dinner seminars, emails, or cold calls. It makes the onboarding process faster and easier, and the foundation you’ve built results in them trusting you with their entire financial picture.

Increased Client Lifetime Value

Increased Client Lifetime Value

The client lifetime value is exponential when the foundation is education. They stay with you and they refer more people like themselves = Educational Lifetime Value

Return on time

Return on time

The culmination of using educational marketing and focusing your time on this approach to growth, ultimately results in your time back. This builds a foundation of growth that improves and becomes more efficient over time.

Earn Clients With Just One Course

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Why lead with education in your marketing efforts?

An educational approach builds real momentum for your business. You’re not simply educating attendees in the classroom. Teaching is an opportunity to build rapport in a way no dinner seminar ever could.

Interested investors are looking for your help in a unique economic environment where 58% of Americans feel finances control their life and 68% are worried about not having enough for retirement.

Unique environment

In this time of economic uncertainty, people are searching for education, knowledge and understanding.

Fill the void

As an expert, you can fill that void. Build trust through education and establish a foundation for the move from instructor to advisor.

Seamless fit

Financial advisors are natural teachers. Use our proven course materials and guidance to instinctively highlight your unique expertise.

Why lead with education in your marketing efforts?

Why lead with education in your marketing efforts?


of attendees were very satisfied with the course


of attendees intend to sign up for a 1:1 advisor meeting


signed up within 2 weeks of taking the course

Exceptional courses that earn clients

Build trust and credibility with unbiased education and comprehensive coursework that meets attendees right where they’re at in their financial lives.


Financial planning for peak career professionals
Engage clients at ages 35-50


Retirement planning course for
Engage clients at ages 50-65


Retirement optimization course for
retired individuals
Engage clients at ages 65+

How our financial advisor marketing plan works

Work closely with our advisor lead generation experts to develop an education-based marketing program that’s customized to your location and the unique focus of your practice. Once we’ve assembled your personalized strategy — including course materials, a market area, and marketing campaign strategy — the FMT team will continue to support you every step of the way.

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Define a course or courses suitable for your goals

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Get licensed & reserve your exclusive marketing area


We promote your course and handle registrations


Prepare & teach the course in person or virtually


Book 1:1 sessions and win new clients

Why FMT ?

FMT has been connecting fiduciary financial advisors to new families in their communities through a powerful, educational marketing approach for over 20 years. Leave the behind the scenes details to us. We handle everything from marketing and mailing to customer support, RSVPs, and payment so you can focus on what matters most — connecting with attendees through your course.


Customized Marketing Plan

  • Deploy a custom marketing strategy with expert brand-building guidance and task execution
  • Market directly to a pre-qualified, engaged target audience
  • Benefit from market exclusivity


Concierge Advisor Support

  • Work with a dedicated account executive and campaigns team
  • Leverage our RSVP service, from course registration to payment processing and customer service
  • Receive personalized guidance with instructor materials and client conversion coaching


Access to Expert Resources & Community

  • Build trust and credibility with unbiased education and comprehensive coursework
  • Gain entry to a community of like-minded financial experts and educational expertise
  • Leverage a curated network of educational venues to teach in-person courses

Financial Advisor Testimonials

“My business grew”

Presenting the FMT seminars has made my business. I grew from $15M to $85M with this as my primary marketing activity.

Additional Resources for New Client Acquisition

Explore more of our exclusive resources to discover how today’s advisors are using education to earn lifelong clients and future-proof their practices.